
With announced closure, learn how EC can help.箭头

The Educational Standards Committee reviews the academic performance of all students at the end of every term, considering students for academic dismissal, 取消良好的学术地位, and for reinstatement to good academic standing.

Students are in good academic standing if their cumulative grade point average is 2.000或更高. The Educational Standards Committee reviews the academic performance of all students at the end of every term, considering students for academic dismissal, 取消良好的学术地位, and for reinstatement to good academic standing.

First-term students who do not achieve a 1.750 grade point average will be put on academic probation. 成绩在1分之间的学生.750和1.999者将给予学术警告处分, and will have until the end of Spring Term in the same year to raise their cumulative GPA to 1.850 and until the end of the Fall Term of their second year to raise their cumulative GPA to 2.000. 

Non first-year students and upper level transfer students achieving a cumulative grade point average less than 2.000人被留校察看. Students who raise their cumulative grade point averages to 2.000或更高 by the end of either of the next two consecutive terms (excluding summer if so elected by the student) will be restored to good academic standing. 没有达到2分的学生.000 cumulative grade point average by that time will be considered for dismissal.

未达到1分的学生.500 grade point average at the end of their first term of work at the College will be considered for possible dismissal. 也, students who do or do not meet the minimum standards for good overall academic standing, but whose term grade point average is below a 1.500 for two consecutive terms, will be reviewed by the Committee for possible probation.

Students on academic probation should be making every effort to improve their academic performance and should curtail any activity which does not lead to that end. They are ineligible to participate in the following extra-curricular activities: varsity or junior varsity Athletics; club sports; service in an elected student government position; as a Resident Assistant or Orientation Leader; representing the student body on a standing committee of the 教师; or serving in a leadership position in an active student club, 在大剧院演出中, 的八边形, WECW, 或虹膜, unless such participation is part of coursework for academic credit. The faculty member or administrator supervising each extracurricular activity is responsible for enforcing this regulation. The student's academic advisor will determine such eligibility in ambiguous cases.

The Educational Standards Committee will notify in writing all students who have been dismissed. The Committee will hear appeals made within 10 working days of the date the dismissal notifications are issued.

Questions concerning academic probation and dismissal should be directed to Michael Halperin, 教务长兼副教务长, 麦格劳大厅,113室, (607) 735-1895.



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