


第三学期是关于通过经验获得知识. We provide you with opportunities to do immersive and intensive work in different fields. These special cocurricular study options are designed to enhance your traditional coursework through innovative and adventurous approaches to learning. 如果你是教育专业的学生, 你可以教学生, 而护生则有机会从事临床工作. 许多学生选择这学期出国旅行.

Education students pose for a selfie while riding multiple gondolas through Venice, Italy


第三项 has multiple ways in which you can take your education beyond the classroom. Whether you want to immerse yourself by traveling to specific locations, 有更轻松的学习方法吗, 或者实地调查, we look forward to seeing you take your knowledge to another level.



第三项 allows you to have an immersive learning experience where you get to be right in the action of your travels. The locations and historical artifacts you visit are direct points of reference that will inform your studies.



What’s great about our program is that it’s a low-stakes approach for students to gain knowledge since there are no performance evaluations or grades given. You simply get to gain a new experience and learn for the love of it!



对于那些对实地研究感兴趣的人, our 第三项 trips offer you the chance to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations and learn how to collect data, 分析, 和解决问题, 同时培养对不同观点的理解.



Traveling abroad to enhance your education is a life-changing experience. Among the many things you’ll learn are the cultural and natural 历史 of specific regions, 影响弱势群体的政策和法律, 以及全球旅游业对当地土著社区的影响. You’ll come out of these excursions with an appreciation for different perspectives and lasting memories with friends. 

访问ors make their way across a rope bridge spanning a gap in a rocky shore area in Ireland

Culture, Health, and Policy Law Impacting Vulnerable Populations

发现社会, 文化, 政策, 法律影响健康, 健康, and resilience of vulnerable populations during this two-week trip to Ireland. 学习 how health care needs and resources are balanced within a society or 文化 through an exploration of social concepts, 艺术形式, 以及全球背景下的法律政策. 你将探索文化艺术, 宗教, 体系结构, 绘画, 音乐, 手工艺品, 跳舞, 和食物,当你参观St. 帕特里克大教堂, 三一学院, 爱尔兰饥荒博物馆, 都柏林城堡, 花园, 购物区, 和圣. 史蒂芬·格林.  


Environmental Field Methods: Caribbean Coastal Hydrology and Ecology

参观圣. John in the Virgin Islands and spend two weeks in the field exploring environmental sampling careers in hydrology, 水资源, 海洋学, 生态, 地质, 或沉积学. Collect environmental samples according to standard environmental sampling methods, 对这些样品进行质量控制和评估, 并将收集到的数据处理和管理成可用的格式. 

A student swims under the surface of the water with a snorkle in the Bahamas


Study tropical marine and terrestrial organisms and environments on the island of San Salvador, 在这四周的经历. You'll learn methods for sampling plants and animals, and perform independent research projects. 检查珊瑚礁生态, 潮间带, 植物群落, 还有地质学, 历史, 以及岛上的文化. 



Explore our past 第三项 excursions and gain a better understanding of how exhilarating experiences like these can bring your classroom studies to life and change the way you see the world.

  • The ability to learn classical 历史 while studying in Greece, Turkey, or Egypt
  • 一门研究查尔斯·达尔文和他的进化论的课程, 最后去了加拉帕戈斯群岛
  • 巴哈马群岛的海洋和岛屿生态学课程 
  • The chance to participate in an archeological dig at important national historical sites
