A mission at 埃尔迈拉大学 is to raise awareness about sustainable best practices and incorporate those practices into every aspect of the campus. We created the Sustainability Leaders initiative to give students a chance to lead in this mission. 

We're looking for an outside-the-box thinker from each class year who will contribute to the environmental, social, and 财务可持续性 of the 埃尔迈拉大学 community. 

Each 埃尔迈拉大学 Sustainability Leader will receive a $1,000年奖 applied to their annual tuition. An 埃尔迈拉大学 Sustainability Leader makes a commitment to the EC community to make sustainability a priority on campus. Award consideration is not limited to specific majors or programs. 除了1美元,000年奖, sustainability leaders will have access to a designated space on campus to work, 满足, and convene with each other so that they can share ideas and grow together. 


The work the Sustainability Leaders will do is similar to independent research. The award will be automatically renewed each year, provided the scholars make progress toward the following: 

  • Planning and executing a sustainable initiative on campus (this can be many things but must be presented and approved by the college's Sustainability Committee for approval before execution) 
  • Research how to best incorporate sustainability into building renovations, using the Sustainability House as a designated practice area for those renovations. 例如, 研究照明, 地毯, or painting options by determining the best sources for materials that balances the least impact on the environmental, social, 财务可持续性. Once researched, students receive assistance in implementing the project and can test the results.  

Sustainability Leaders must be enrolled full-time and maintain satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of their Bachelor's degree to be eligible for the award.
