Wells College Students

With announced closure, learn how EC can help.箭头

Teach the Next Generation with an MSEd Degree

我们的教育学硕士(MSEd)是为那些热衷于通过教育塑造后代的人量身定制的. 它将实践经验与理论知识相结合,以创造现实世界的影响和持久, 公平的改变. With personalized faculty guidance and small class sizes, you'll join a supportive learning community. 完全在线课程提供灵活的时间表,并允许您在12个月内完成我们的课程. Students engage in in-person field experiences, including practice and student teaching, within the local area.

“我选择在埃尔迈拉继续我的研究生学习,因为我可以提前开始我的研究生课程. It was an easy transition and I already knew most of the faculty. 我喜欢这个项目是在线的,它允许我在获得学位的同时追求自己的职业."
–Maria Antonio ‘23, MSEd '24

Explore Education Concentrations

Depending on where your interests lie, 我们的教育部门有不同的课程供你选择, 技能, and talents to the next level so you can inspire the next generation of learners.

  • Adolescence Education: 这个完全在线课程是为持有以下专业之一的学士学位的学生设计的:生物学, 化学, 地球科学, 数学, 英语, Social Studies/历史, or a related field.
  • Literacy: Birth to Grade 12: 该课程专为想要获得硕士学位的教师提供从出生到12年级的识字课程. You earn a literacy certification that equips you to be a reading specialist, 识字的教练, or classroom teacher.
  • 通识教育: 这种灵活的集中允许学生根据他们的专业目标设计他们的学习计划. 在参加此认证计划之前,需要获得纽约认证评估员的事先批准.
  • Inclusive Special Education: This concentration gives you insight into creating a welcoming, 包容, and culturally responsive classroom for students with learning disabilities.

See Course Schedule

Application Requirements

申请mg冰球突破豪华版下载的教育学硕士学位,看看新的篇章在等着你! See our application requirements below.

  • 完成 申请表
  • 获得学士学位期间就读的各学院或大学的正式成绩单
  • Two professional recommendations
  • A completed bachelor's degree from an accredited institution
  • Minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point averages:
    • Master of Science in Management program: GPA of 2.7
    • Master of Science in Education program (all tracks): GPA of 3.0
    • 本科gpa低于最低要求的考生,研究生院院长可能会根据具体情况考虑有条件录取.
  • MSEd Adolescence Education candidates: Completion of an approved content major, 比如生物学, 化学, 英语, 数学, Social Studies/历史, or a related field
  • MSEd扫盲候选人:纽约州初始教师认证或证明此类认证即将到来的文件


Preview Education Program Tracks


  • 轨道1是为寻求广泛的教育学科,对认证或教K-12不感兴趣的学生.
  • 轨道2是为已经持有学士学位的学生准备的,现在正在纽约州寻求他们的初始教学证书.
  • Track 3是针对已经持有纽约州初始教学证书并正在寻求纽约州专业认证的学生.


Financial Planning for Your Master of Education Degree

mg冰球突破豪华版下载,我们很自豪能成为全国运动的一部分,以保持高等教育负担得起. 我们以纽约地区任何四年制私立学院或大学最低的学费价格之一提供一流的教育, and when it comes to advancing your degree in 教育, 我们同样致力于通过奖学金等选择来降低您的成本, 奖助金, 和勤工助学.

Browse 金融援助


Administrative Coordinator
研究生 & Professional Studies


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Create YOUR Elmira Experience with a viewbook customized just for you!


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