Wells College Students

With announced closure, 学习 how EC can help.箭头

We are here to help you succeed!

The Gannett-Tripp 图书馆 is a great place to read, 研究, 学习, 合作, 发现, 和研究. Our library staff will help you find information, identify resources, and teach you to navigate and access the millions of resources that are available to you at your 图书馆 and beyond.

访问 GTL's Website



In support of 埃尔迈拉大学's 任务, the Gannett-Tripp 图书馆 provides leadership in the areas of information access and use by facilitating the collection of and access to appropriate information resources, programs and services for the continued academic, 专业, and personal growth and success of the 埃尔迈拉大学 Community.
