Wells College Students

With announced closure, learn how EC can help.箭头


Full-Time Student Course Load Minimums and Maximums
一年Minimum 学分/TermMaximum 学分/Term

方面我 & II = 9学分
Term III = 4 credits

方面我 & II = 16学分
第三学期= 7.5个学分
Beyond First 一年方面我 & II = 9学分
Term III = 4 credits
方面我 & II = 18学分
第三学期= 7.5个学分

Transfer students coming in with more than 20 accepted credit hours will be considered students beyond the first year; transfer students with 20 or fewer accepted credit hours will be considered first-year students.

在教务长或教务长办公室的批准下,学生可以寻求超过规定的课程负荷限制. 每个超额学分都要根据非全日制学生的费率收取额外费用.


Auditing a Course

经教官办公室通知,学生可以在导师同意的情况下旁听课程. An auditor is expected to attend classes, complete the assignments, 参加课堂讨论,但不需要参加考试. 如果学生达不到最低要求,可判F分. Under no circumstances is credit given for an audited course. 经审核的课程包括在学生的课程负荷中,占课程学分的一半.

A student's status is determined by the cohort year, the year in which one enters the College as a full-time student. 转学生的年级将由注册办公室在完成成绩单评估时确定.

For purposes of 金融援助, 然而, the following standard is used:

  • 已修满21学分的一年级学生.
  • Sophomores are students who have completed between 21-54 credits.
  • Juniors are students who have completed between 54-87 credits.
  • Seniors are students who have completed 87 or more credits.

Full-time students 那些在第一学期或第二学期注册了9个或更多学分的人,或者在第三学期注册了4个或更多学分的人. Students receiving financial aid and student-athletes, 然而, 是否需要在第一学期和第二学期注册12个学分,在第三学期注册6个学分才能保持资格.

Part-time students 那些在第一学期或第二学期注册的学分少于9学分的人, or who enroll for fewer than four credits during Term III. 注册全日制学分的非全日制学生将被要求修改其注册或切换为全日制状态. This will change the billing status to full-time. 希望住在学院宿舍的兼职学生应联系宿舍生活办公室,电话: reslife@roomarea1.net. 资格, 学生必须被录取并注册至少一半时间的课程.

例外: The following are exceptions to the part-time credit limit:

  • 非全日制学生可注册一学期18学时的学生教学,以完成其学生教学.
  • 非全日制护理学生可注册完成一学期9学分和一学期12学分的护理课程.
  • 最后的六个学分的实习经验将不会被认为是兼职护理学生超载.
  • 第三学期(a):非全日制学生可以在第三学期注册全日制课程,前提是六个学分中有三个是在第三学期(a)修满的。.

Repeating Courses

Students may improve their overall grade point average, and possibly their grade point average in the major, by retaking courses in which they have received a grade of C- or lower. Please note that retaking courses or taking a reduced load of courses, although often warranted, may slow a student's progress toward earning a degree.

For required courses, students may retake a given course once in which the original grade was C-, D+, D, 或D -. 如果原成绩为F,学生必须重修某门课程,直到达到及格为止. 然而, 学生将没有资格获得第四章资助的任何课程,他们以前已经参加过并通过两次以上. For elective courses, 学生可以重修某门课程一次,这门课程原来的成绩是C或C以下.

所有重修课程的尝试都将在学生的成绩单上注明,并将作为学生学业负担的一部分. 然而, 对于所有尚未从mg冰球突破豪华版下载毕业的学生,只有较高的成绩将被用于计算平均成绩. Should any course be repeated at an institution other than 埃尔迈拉大学, and a higher grade achieved, 原来的mg冰球突破豪华版下载成绩将不用于计算平均绩点, 根据学分转换政策,其他院校的成绩也不会被扣分. 学生通常只在同一门课程中获得一次毕业所需的最低120学时学分.


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