
FYS 1010:第一年研讨会

在你的第一年,你将学习的第一门课程之一是第一年研讨会. This foundational course is offered in the fall term and serves as a gateway to the College's General Education program. It will introduce you to the wider world of learning beyond the professional training of your declared major. One of the main goals of the program is to develop intellectual skills that will be helpful to you throughout your college career and beyond. 特别地,该研讨会侧重于提高你的批判性思维和阅读能力. Not every seminar is the same and you'll have the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of exciting seminar topics, 从自然科学到人文科学, 美术和社会科学. In each case, the professor draws on her or his special expertise and interests to provide a unique learning experience.


FYS Courses


过去的声音通过神话和民间传说对我们说话. These ancient stories, 世代相传, 描述世界观,为来自世界各地的人们提供智慧. This class will explore and compare the traditional stories of cultures from around the world as they are retold by modern storytellers and artists, 重点是外国电影, animations, paintings, sculptures, 以及其他的艺术诠释方式. 你将通过分析性写作和创造性项目来回应.


Come experience the fun of creating your own secret codes and secret societies while attempting to decode the secret messages of your friends! In this course, 你将了解人类历史是如何被密码的制定和破坏所塑造的, 以及STEM(科学)领域的其他相关进展, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Throughout the term, you will watch and discuss modern movies that highlight the people behind groundbreaking discoveries in STEM, 无论是历史的还是虚构的. 观看这些电影会引发以下重要的讨论:


环境问题从来没有像现在这样迫切需要创造性的解决方案. In this course, you will develop a broad understanding of these environmental issues and their relationship to the social, political, cultural, 以及影响人类未来的经济体系, other species, and our shared planet. 你会了解自己作为一个个体是如何工作的, artist, 或者设计师可以评论, interact with, and impact the world. This course will explore artistic responses to environmental sustainability and related social issues. You will develop collaborative and creative individual projects that may take the form of social/relational art practice, video, installation, performance, writing, sound, 2D or 3D form, and electronic media. 这门课程将以艺术家为重点, designers, and architects that work across disciplines and within communities to focus attention on the web of interrelationships in our environment, 从物理和生物到文化, political, and historical.


为什么有些人表现出适应力,比其他人更好地应对逆境? 什么样的性格特征和行为能帮助人们从不良事件中恢复过来? 适应力是什么意思? 坚韧的精神是一种可以培养的技能吗? There are many examples throughout history of people of all ages and backgrounds who overcome immense obstacles in spite of precarious odds. 这些勇敢的人在绝望的情况下表现出适应力. In addition, 这些人往往具有坚韧的精神,使他们能够看到过去的失败, 获得新的视角, and move forward. They do not allow the adverse event they are experiencing to define them or be detrimental to their existence. 相反,他们利用这段经历变得更有弹性,精神上更坚强. In this course, you will examine the concepts of resilience and mental toughness across the lifespan and in a variety of situations. 你将通过各种各样的书籍来探索这些概念, articles, film clips, 以及实践活动. The focus of this course will be to understand what it means to have resilience and mental toughness and recognize ways these attributes can be developed for personal growth.


In this section of FYS, we’ll explore the topic of crime scene investigation (CSI) by studying both the history of and the modern scientific advancements in this field. 我们将阅读经典文本,比如夏洛克·福尔摩斯系列丛书中的一些文本, 我们会看一些与法医相关的热门电视节目, 我们将学习一些常见的调查程序,比如指纹识别, 我们将学习科学证据是如何收集的,并在一些著名的案件中使用.

Dungeons and Dorms

This how-to college course sets you up for academic success through exploring what we can learn from collaborative storytelling games, 从角色扮演经典游戏《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》到哥特人最爱的《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》, to the pre-internet Infocom text adventures of the 80s (think Zork and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy), 甚至是像《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》这样的单人rpg故事. 你将探索以下问题:
- How do these games shape relationships between players as they create and inhabit diverse identities, solve dilemmas, 构建想象的世界?
-这些故事和人物反映了什么, transmit, reinforce, 或者抵制文化偏见和规范?
我们如何重新设计游戏,为玩家创造新的可能性, expand our own?
同时学习并获得应对大学生活挑战的实用技能, 我们将以团队的形式进行发明创造, design, and showcase, 在学期结束前, 我们自己的原创桌面和独立角色扮演游戏.

Election Season

在本次研讨会中,我们将实时跟踪2024年的选举新闻. 你将探索美国人投票的方式和原因, 媒体的变化如何影响总统竞选, 以及我们主要政党的核心理念. A central focus of our time together will be developing and practicing new skills to talk together about hot-button political issues – not through debate, 目标是赢得比赛, 而是通过好奇心驱使下的讨论.


你喜欢在树林里远足吗? Over the years, humans have profoundly stated our love for being outside and enjoying the wilderness that surrounds us. Through this class, 你会读到亨利·大卫·梭罗和安妮·拉巴斯蒂尔的一些故事, 和安妮·迪拉德一起体验浪漫, environmental, 以及自然冥想的一面. 同时,你将探索这个问题:森林和山脉最初是如何来到这里的? 人类经常忽视地质对自然环境的控制. 地质学创造了我们生存的自然景观,但也微妙地塑造了地球上的水和气候, 影响动植物分布的. In this course, you will walk and explore the Southern Tier of New York as we meld a soulful wilderness experience with the science of how and why that wilderness exists. 幸运的是,我们被美丽的荒野和地质所包围. mg冰球突破豪华版下载位于阿勒格尼高原, 被美丽包围, 北部是冰川雕刻的芬格湖, 宾夕法尼亚褶皱带向南, 东部是阿巴拉契亚山脉. 来和我们一起探索吧!

Imaginary Cities

城市到底是什么,它们为什么存在? 人类的规范、价值观、信仰和偏见是如何塑造城市的? And, 城市反过来又如何塑造我们体验世界的方式, 我们建立的关系, 以及我们能过的生活? 换句话说,在我们创造城市的同时,城市也在创造我们. 您将从学习城市设计的历史和心理维度开始. Together, 我们将开始探索mg冰球突破豪华版下载,并通过感知地图解释我们的发现, creative writing, and photo essays. 然后,您将深入了解关于乌托邦和反乌托邦城市的电影和短篇故事, 并研究意向社区生态村的努力, communes, 和鸡笼来创造更好的微观社会. Finally, in teams, you will design own perfect city and present it as a diorama in the medium of your choice: Play-Doh? Legos? Cardboard? Something else? 您还将创建一个引人注目的广告,向潜在居民出售您的城市.


你喜欢看电影并和朋友谈论它们吗? 你是否在寻找对动态图像更深入的理解, 超出了流行的10秒抖音视频? 如果是这样,这门课很适合你! 你将观看故事片、短片和电视剧集. You will read related critical essays to help analyze and write about the artistic and technical choices made by filmmakers. In addition, 你们将合作制作视频播客,以回应课堂阅读和研究, 使用自己的智能手机技术. The focus is to develop an appreciation of film as a powerful art form that can inform and inspire change.

S.O.A.R. (学生定位、成就和责任)

本课程旨在优化新学生到mg冰球突破豪华版下载的过渡. 关注mg冰球突破豪华版下载的关键组成部分, 教师利用引人入胜的活动和见解来突出观点, skills, 以及在mg冰球突破豪华版下载取得成功所需的活动. 通过关注大学生活提供的目的和好处, 你将参与一个发现过程,以增强你在mg冰球突破豪华版下载的体验.


This course explores various ways that social constructs have been and can be appropriated to work towards justice across the social spectrum. 从刑事司法制度的改革到宗教对民权运动的影响, you will investigate historical policies of institutional discrimination and the social disparities of a modern, pluralistic world. 将事实和虚构的叙述纳入课程的阅读范围, 你还将了解教育工作者使用的方法, artists, religious leaders, 积极分子转移权力中心,赋予少数民族和弱势群体权力. You will observe and participate in a local social justice organization by collaborating with leaders from local organizations of your choice to explore and influence the community. 课程以研究报告和演示结束, observations, 以及参与课程项目.

True Crime and Me

This section of FYS considers the social and cultural implications of representations of crime in popular media, including journalism, docu-series, and podcasts. We will draw on methods and frameworks from media and cultural studies to explore questions about the values and ethics implied by, or circulated in, crime media, 检查我们使用不同媒体的方式, 让我们更加批判地看待大众对犯罪的描述.

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