Wells College Students





If you are interested in helping people reduce pain and manage their health while also being able to set your own hours, 你可以考虑成为一名脊椎按摩师. 要做到这一点,你需要一位脊椎指压医学医生. mg冰球突破豪华版下载将帮助您完成研究生申请的先决条件, 包括必修课程和医疗保健经验. You can also complete research at EC, 哪些可以帮助你在申请过程中脱颖而出.
Many Chiropractors open their own offices but the field is also expanding into niche care such as sports medicine, gerontology, physical therapy, and rehabilitation. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, the chiropractic field is projected to grow by 10% between 2021-2031 and the median salary is $75,000.


Dentistry is ranked #11 in Best Paying Jobs, and is in the top 100 for Best Jobs, according to U.S. News. 这也许就是研究生项目竞争激烈的原因. mg冰球突破豪华版下载课程可以帮助你了解研究生课程的先决条件, including the courses, healthcare experience, and test prep. Also, because we are small, 我们的许多本科生参与研究, 哪些可以帮助你在申请过程中脱颖而出.
我们的许多毕业生继续进入布法罗大学牙科医学院学习. We also have an agreement with Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) where we can recommend students for early admission to their dental school in Bradenton, Florida. After graduate school, many dentists join or start a private practice but some choose to enter research or academia. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, the dental field is projected to grow by 6% between 2021-2031 and the median salary is $163,220.

Pre-Occupational Therapy

You’ll complete the prerequisite courses and hands-on internship experience necessary to pursue a career in occupational therapy.
The Elmira College Pre-OT program will help you prepare for a Master’s of Occupational Therapy program and ultimately lead you to a career in occupational therapy. Designed to be flexible, you can choose the right mix of programs that will give you an edge when applying to graduate school. For example, you can complete a Psychology major with a minor in Biology or Pre-Athletic Training. This, along with a hands-on internship will set you apart in the graduate school applications.
In this program, 你将学习科学和健康的基础知识, including Biology and Psychology, both of which are important elements in helping people recover from or adapt to a physical or mental disability. In your internship, 你可以探索职业治疗师经常工作的不同环境, including hospitals, schools, and nursing homes. 这将帮助你在缩小学习范围和开始职业生涯时找到合适的工作.
ot预备课程将帮助你成为一名职业治疗师. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 2021-2031年间,职业治疗师的就业前景预计将增长14%, 比所有职业的平均水平快得多. 平均年薪为85,570美元.


Pharmacists are needed throughout the United States and are increasingly important members of healthcare teams. 成为一名药剂师需要药学博士(PharmD)。. PharmD graduate programs are often competitive with about 8 applicants for every available seat. 你可能需要参加药学学院入学考试(PCAT), 完成一些必修课程, and gain healthcare experience, 所有这些你都会在mg冰球突破豪华版下载找到帮助. In addition, you can conduct research at EC, 在申请研究生课程时,哪些可以给你带来优势. And we have 3+4 agreements with Binghamton University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Most people in the U.S. live within 5 minutes of a pharmacy so, in terms of geography, you can go nearly anywhere. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, the job outlook is pretty steady with a need to continually replace workers who retire or leave the field. 药剂师的平均工资是128,570美元. And you have career options. 你可以选择专注于病人健康或进入药物研究.

Pre-Physical Therapy

You’ll complete the prerequisite courses and hands-on internship experience necessary to pursue a career in physical therapy.
如果你想成为一名物理治疗师或运动教练, you’ll want to give yourself an edge when you apply to a Master’s in Athletic Training program or a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program. The Elmira College Pre-PT program includes the prerequisite courses and hands-on healthcare-related internship experience you need to apply to these competitive degree programs. And Pre-PT at Elmira College provides you the flexibility to specialize in a variety of areas, including sports medicine.
You’ll learn how to help people recover from an injury or illness through physical exercises that promote health and wellness. 通过实习或社区服务时间, you’ll shadow physical therapists, become a PT aide, or assist athletic trainers. This will give you the healthcare experience needed to pursue either a career in athletic training or physical therapy.
The Pre-PT program will prepare you to become either a physical therapist or an athletic trainer, 这是两种需求快速增长的职业. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, the job outlook for physical therapists and athletic trainers between 2021-2031 is expected to grow by 17%, 比所有职业的平均水平快得多. 运动教练的平均工资, which requires a master’s degree, is $48,420美元和理疗师的工资中位数, which requires a doctoral degree, is $95,620 per year.

Pre-Veterinary Science

如果你对动物和社区健康充满热情, enjoy problem-solving, 想要工作的灵活性和稳定性, 那么你可能会考虑成为一名兽医. 但要加入这个高薪领域,竞争非常激烈. There are 33 accredited schools of veterinary medicine and there are often two applications for every seat. mg冰球突破豪华版下载课程可以帮助你完成研究生课程的先决条件, including the courses, animal care experience, and test prep. Also, because we are small, 我们的许多本科生参与研究, 哪些可以帮助你在申请过程中脱颖而出.
Veterinarians are in high demand. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 兽医工作预计将在2021-2031年间增长19%,工资中位数为100美元,370 per year. 兽医的职业道路多种多样. 一些人开始自己的练习,而另一些人可能会在水族馆或动物园工作. Recent graduates from the Elmira College Pre-Veterinary program went on to attend Cornell, University of Missouri, Kansas State, Ohio State, University of Tennessee, Lincoln Memorial University, and Ross University, among others.


如果你热衷于帮助他人和改善社区健康, enjoy science and medicine, 渴望一份高薪稳定的职业, 然后你可能会考虑成为一名内科医生或外科医生. mg冰球突破豪华版下载课程可以帮助你完成研究生课程的先决条件, including which courses to take, 你需要什么样的实习经历, 以及如何准备考试和申请. Also, 许多mg冰球突破豪华版下载的本科生参与研究, 哪些可以帮助你在申请过程中脱颖而出.
对内科医生和外科医生的需求稳定, 不断需要替换离职或退休的专业人员. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 内科医生和外科医生的平均工资是208美元,000 per year, 所有职业中工资中位数最高的. 另外,你在这个领域有很多职业选择. For example, you can work in a hospital or in private practice and you can specialize in emergency care, pediatrics, or anesthesiology. mg冰球突破豪华版下载的学生已经在纽约州立大学上州分校攻读医学课程, University at Buffalo, NYITCOM, Penn State, Michigan State, UNECOM, and LECOM, among others. Additionally, Elmira College has an early acceptance program with Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM), 它的校园就在mg冰球突破豪华版下载旁边. Students can apply to the early acceptance program while in high school or within their first two years at EC.

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