

全日制学生 at Elmira College normally complete 30 to 35 credit hours per academic year by registering for 12 to 14 credit hours in each of Term I and Term II and six to seven credit hours in Term III.


Terms I & II = 9 credits
第三学期= 4学分

Terms I & II = 16 credits
Term III = 7.5 credits
第一年以后Terms I & II = 9 credits
第三学期= 4学分
Terms I & II = 18 credits
Term III = 7.5 credits

Transfer students coming in with more than 20 accepted credit hours will be considered students beyond the first year; transfer students with 20 or fewer accepted credit hours will be considered first-year students.

Students may seek to take more than the prescribed course load limits with the approval of either the Registrar or the Office of the Academic Dean. Each overload credit is subject to an additional charge based on the part-time student rate.



A student may audit a course with the consent of the instructor upon notification of the Office of the Registrar. 旁听生应该来上课, 完成作业, and participate in class discussions but is not required to take examinations. A grade of F may be assigned if a student fails to meet minimal requirements. 在任何情况下,经过审核的课程都不会获得学分. An audited course is included in a student's course load at one-half of the amount of credits of the course.

学生的身份是由同班学年决定的, 作为全日制学生进入学院的那一年. Transfer students' class years will be determined by the Office of the Registrar at the time transcript evaluations have been completed.


  • First-year students who have completed between zero and less than 21 credits.
  • 二年级学生是指修满21-54学分的学生.
  • 三年级学生是指修满54-87学分的学生.
  • 高年级学生是指修满87学分或以上的学生.

全日制学生 are those persons who register for nine or more credits during Term I or Term II or who enroll for four or more credits during Term III. 接受经济援助的学生和学生运动员, however, may be required to register for 12 credits in Term I and Term II and six in Term III to maintain eligibility.

兼职学生 are those persons who register for fewer than nine credits during Term I or Term II, 或在第三学期注册少于四学分者. 兼职学生 who are registered for a full-time credit load will be asked to modify their enrollment or be switched to full-time status. 这将把账单状态更改为全职. 兼职学生 who wish to live in a college residence should contact the Office of Residence Life at reslife@roomarea1.net. To qualify, students must be matriculated and registered for coursework on at least a half-time basis.

Exceptions: 以下是兼职信贷限额的例外情况:

  • Part-time education students may register for student teaching for 18 credit hours for one term only to complete their student teaching.
  • Part-time nursing students may register to finish the nursing program for one term of 9 credits and one term of 12 credits.
  • The final six-credit Internship experience will not be considered an overload for part-time nursing students.
  • Term III(a): a part-time student may enroll in full-time course load during Term III provided three of the six credits are taken in Term III(a).


学生可以提高他们的总平均绩点, 也可能是他们专业的平均成绩, 通过重修成绩为C或C以下的课程. 请注意,重修课程或减少课程负担, 虽然经常被授权, 可能会减慢学生获得学位的进度.

必修课程, 学生可以重修一门原成绩为C-的课程, D+, D, or D-. Students must retake a given course if the original grade was F until they achieve a passing grade. However, students will not be eligible to receive Title IV funds for any course that they have previously taken and passed more than two times. 选修课程, 学生可以重修一门原成绩为C-的课程 or lower.

All attempts at courses that are repeated will be labeled to that effect on the student's transcript and will count as part of the student's academic load. However, only the higher grade will be used in the computation of the grade point average for all students not yet graduated from Elmira College. 在mg冰球突破豪华版下载以外的其他机构是否有重修课程, 并取得了更高的成绩, the original Elmira College grade would not be used in computation of the grade point average, nor would the grade from the other institution in accordance with the Transfer of Credit policy. Students normally receive credit toward the minimum 120 credit hours required for graduation only once for the same course.

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