This article was first printed in this year's 校园 Magazine. 点击 在这里 to view the full magazine.

Elmira College’s Theatre program 每年的戏剧季一直是学院教育机会的中坚力量. 现在, 戏剧副教授兼戏剧项目主任, Rebecca 丰富的, 希望为该项目注入新的理念和切实可行的措施,以吸引更多的学生参与其中.

丰富的, who joined the faculty just before the start of Term I, 她拥有超过20年的经验,并致力于使戏剧更具包容性.

“I’m excited to have my expertise valued,” she said. “我对戏剧有一定的了解,也了解如何建立一个学术项目.”

里奇最初的职业经历之一是周游全国, performing in the musical, “Guys and Dolls.” Since then, she’s performed in the U.S. and abroad in small and large theatre houses. She’s acted, directed, sung, and played musical instruments. She learned to “show up” and to be persistent. 比如她不请自来参加外百老汇演出《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》的试镜.“导演和编舞一看到她,就一定要给她安排一个角色. This led to additional job opportunities with the same director.

由于她的经历,里奇受到包容性原则的指导. 她想创建一门课程,邀请来自历史边缘化背景的人们的方法和故事. 她会花额外的时间去寻找不同人物的视频片段. She’s thoughtful about the language she uses in class, 她向学生介绍世界各地的戏剧方法和戏剧, going beyond the Greco-Roman classics and their descendants.

例如, 里奇拥有证书,并教授迈克尔·契诃夫技巧, 一种“心理-生理”的方法,用想象来连接身体, 心, and spirit of an actor to the character and the text of the play. Chekhov is the nephew of the famous playwright, Anton Chekhov. 契诃夫手法培养了演员的创作个性. In exercises, students use their bodies, 手势, and imaginations to explore and call forth 感觉, 行动, and emotions. In one imagination exercise,

丰富的 had half of the students imagine they had tiny feet, like those of a mouse, and the other half imagine they had gigantic feet, like those of an elephant, and then switch. 这个练习帮助学生探索他们的身体和思想是如何调整的, which informed the movements, 感觉, relationships, and emotions that came about. 这些类型的练习甚至可以促使学生思考文化和身体上的差异,并告知角色之间的关系.

虽然契诃夫方法是里奇使用的主要方法之一, 她会邀请客座艺术家到课堂上共同教授像SoulWork这样的技巧, which was developed by Dr. 克里斯托·香奈儿·特拉斯科特根植于非裔美国人的戏剧表演方法和技巧.

里奇正在把她的原则和实用主义运用到系里的戏剧表演中. 自大流行开始以来,这将是该部首次举办三场演出——每学期一次. As the only full-time faculty member in the department, 里奇必须创造性地平衡制作三部戏所需的成本和时间.

For the fall performance, she created a show called, “揭下面具的剧场-杂剧”,演员们运用平冲的访谈式剧场技巧,由社区成员讲述他们关于身份和归属的故事,演绎自己的故事. 作为一项独立研究的一部分,一名戏剧专业的学生将执导第二学期的戏剧,里奇将很快宣布第三学期的音乐剧.

Ultimately, 丰富的 wants to grow the academic program. She’s starting by “invigorating” the Theatre minor. 她将通过降低学分要求,使学生更容易将辅修课程与其他课程配对, bringing the program in line with other minors. 也, 她每年都会教授基础课程,这样选修辅修课程的学生——以及转学戏剧专业的学生——就一定能达到要求.

她说:“今后,我将提倡增加师资、设计资源和制作预算。. “With pandemic restrictions hopefully behind us, 我想让戏剧项目比以前更强大、更包容.”

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