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Students Inducted Into Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, Awarded PrizesThe Pi of New York chapter held its annual induction and banquet with nine newly elected members of high scholarly attainment. Prizes were also awarded to five outstanding juniors and six promising sophomores. At the event, Kristen Aasheim ’24 delivered an address on behalf of the students and Dr. Adam Giambrone, Associate Professor of Math, delivered the main address, “Leveraging Your Golden Moments Inside the Purple Bubble.”

Class of 2024 Newly Elected Members-in-Course of Phi Beta Kappa:
  • Kristen Aasheim '24
  • Jessa Barton '24
  • Madeline Boucher '24
  • Noah Cabral '24
  • Catherine Doyle '24
  • Robbin Gerber '24
  • Hayley McDaniels '24
  • Madison Morton '24
  • Carolyn Phillips '24
  • Jeremiah Steinhilber ’24
  • Paige Stilts ’24
  • Emma Tessarzik ’24
  • Jennavieve VanGalder ’24
  • Laura Walker ’24
Class of 2025 Prize Winners:
  • Michaela D’Angelo ’25
  • Kaitlyn Potter ’25
  • Maya Powers ’25
  • Alexa Sitzer ’25
  • Haley Sullivan ’25
  • Ryan Trenholm ’25
Class of 2026 Prize Winners:
  • Amanda Ellie ’26
  • Jx Graham ’26
  • Emma Guthrie ’26
  • Emilie Hubschmitt ’26
  • Faith Ingber ’26
  • Jordan Phillips ’26
  • Tyler Scott ’26
  • Randall Wright ’26

Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest and most distinguished of all the academic honorary societies, promotes, recognizes, and honors scholarly achievement in the liberal arts and sciences. Phi Beta Kappa was founded in 1776, and the Pi of New York chapter at Elmira College was established in 1940.

"A student's election to the society reflects far more than a high GPA achieved in a necessary selection of courses; it recognizes more than a body of acquired knowledge," said Dr. Charles Mitchell, Professor of American Studies and History. "Rather, it reflects a demonstrated interest in and commitment to the value of learning, to the vital traditions and principles offered by a broad education in the liberal arts and sciences. The College itself is honored to be able to recognize these students."

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