

This is the third of five weekly articles explaining First Year Seminar to incoming students so they can rank their top four Term I FYS course choices by June 30.

本周的欢迎周三将概述三个 第一年研讨会课程选择 学生可以选择第一学期(2024年秋季). You’ll find these three courses interesting if you want to learn about creating communities and a society built on representation and social justice. In each course, you’ll learn about the actions you can take to effect change.

Be sure to select your FYS courses before the end of June by completing the course selection form on 你的招生门户. Questions? 联系招生办公室,电话:(607)735-1724或 admissions@roomarea1.net.



If you want to help create a more just world but aren't sure how to go about it, 你可能会喜欢向乔尔·斯托克学习, 宗教研究高级讲师.

Educators, artists, 宗教领袖, and activists will speak to the class about how they successfully shifted power structures and empowered minorities and the underprivileged. Students will learn about historical policies that created discrimination, explore the narratives of those who moved the arc of justice forward, and participate in and collaborate with leaders from a local social justice organization.

"I'm excited to help students discover how people have changed the world in the past, 但更重要的是, how people are working to make the world a better place right now,斯托克说. "There are numerous organizations in our own backyard filled with volunteers who make enormous sacrifices to help others find enough to eat, 发现职业, 教育我们的青年, 为需要帮助的人提供庇护, 并为种族和社会正义提供机会."



秋天瓦, 学术写作讲师, will take students in her course on a quest to better understand the nature of cities and how cities influence and are influenced by the people who live in them. You will explore the City of Elmira and use tools like perception maps, 创意写作, 还有照片文章来解释你的发现. You’ll then delve into films and short stories about utopian and dystopian cities, 并研究如何设计有意识的社区. Then, you’ll team up with classmates to design a "perfect city" using different media to present your ideas and sell the city to prospective residents.

在这门课上, we look at the many different ways our identities and relationships shape the spaces we live in, 还有这些空间是如何塑造我们的,瓦茨说。. "Say, 例如, 公共广场的物理设计是如何引起人们的讨论的, connecting, and enjoying the environment and each other - or actively silence, endanger, 或者排斥他人. 其中一些是显而易见的,另一些则非常微妙. 在这门课上, 我们将学习如何看, listen, 注意我们生活的环境, 他们如何定位我们, how we position ourselves - and how we might change those spaces to make a better society."



Dr. Alexa Yesukevich, 社会学讲师, Women's and Gender Studies and Political Science Program Coordinator, will help you track 2024 election news as it unfolds in real-time. 你将探索美国人投票的方式和原因, 媒体的变化如何影响总统竞选, 以及我们主要政党的核心理念. A central focus of the course will be developing and practicing new skills to talk with your classmates and other peers about hot-button political issues – not through debate, 目标是赢得比赛, 而是通过好奇心驱使下的讨论.

“More than 60 countries are holding elections this year; by the end of 2024, globally, 比以往任何时候都有更多的人参加投票,博士分享道。. Alexa Yesukevich. “Sometimes the political process can seem confusing or mystifying. But the whole point of democracy is that we each have a say in the direction our country takes. Discussing the US election together in real-time is a crucial way to engage with your world in this moment.”

Next week’s Welcome Wednesdays article will highlight three courses exploring how you can develop healthy habits for success: Hiking with a Geologist, S.O.A.R. (Student Orientation, Achievement, and Responsibility), and Bouncing Back - Why Perspective Matters.



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