
Notre Dame High Schoolmg冰球突破豪华版下载签署了双重Admissions协议,让圣母大学的学生有机会在圣母院学习大学课程. Beginning this fall, rising Notre Dame juniors and seniors with a 3.平均成绩在0分或以上的学生可以以折扣的学费参加EC课程,并获得大学学分.

“这种社区合作关系极大地惠及了圣母大学的学生和他们的家庭,以及圣母高中和mg冰球突破豪华版下载,” said Patricia Ireland, Elmira College Provost. “双录取项目是学生预习大学并亲身体验大学福利的一种经济有效的方式. Additionally, 在电子商务, 我们的小班教学和支持性的教师为年轻的学生提供了一个理想的入口,因为他们探索研究领域,这将有助于他们以后选择专业.”

Patricia Mack, Notre Dame High School Head of School commented, “圣母大学很高兴为新三年级和大四学生提供双重入学选择. 该计划将允许学生选择课程来提高他们的学习水平,并为他们提供额外的机会来探索ND没有提供的课程. 像这样, 如果他们选择追求更高的教育学位,这可能最终帮助他们确定毕业后的学习课程. 圣母大学相信,mg冰球突破豪华版下载的小班教学将支持学生的过渡, 帮助他们管理大学的工作量预期,促进他们的成功. 此外, 它可以让学生体验mg冰球突破豪华版下载,并有助于减轻通常与申请和追求大学教育有关的焦虑.”


According to industry research, 包括人力示范研究公司和全国同步Admissions合作联盟的报告, students in dual enrollment programs earned higher college GPAs, accumulated more college credits, and persisted at higher rates than their peers.

该研究还强调了双重Admissions计划在帮助代表性不足的学生和来自低收入家庭的学生方面的好处, especially first-generation students. 这些学生对大学的期望有了更清晰的了解,减轻了一些最初适应大学的压力,同时承担了全部的课程负担. It also has a potential impact on the affordability of college. Depending on how many credits students earn, 他们可以节省大学学费,甚至可以更快地获得大学学位.


“With the ever-increasing cost of earning a college education, 圣母大学很高兴与mg冰球突破豪华版下载合作,为学生提供一种负担得起的获得大学学分的方式. With 47% of our ND student body receiving financial aid, 节省下来的费用将有助于确保我们所有的学生都有机会参加这个项目,” added Mack.

该项目邀请圣母大学的学生申请mg冰球突破豪华版下载. 他们在EC获得的学分将成为学生永久大学成绩单的一部分, depending on the institution, transfer to other four-year colleges.



Notre Dame High School, Grades 7-12 is a Catholic junior and senior high school in Elmira, 纽约为纽约南部和宾夕法尼亚州北部的所有信仰传统的学生服务. 学校是仁慈姐妹会的一个部门,提供仁慈的价值观, academic excellence, 自1955年以来,年轻男女都有丰富的课外活动.


Founded in 1855, Elmira College is a private, residential, liberal arts college offering 30-plus majors, an honors program, 17 academic societies, an NCAA Division III member with 18 intercollegiate teams. Located in the Southern Finger Lakes Region of New York, mg冰球突破豪华版下载大学的本科生和研究生来自20多个州和9个国家. Elmira is a Phi Beta Kappa College and has been ranked a top college, 在全国范围内, for student internships. The College is also home to the Center for Mark Twain Studies, one of four historically significant Twain heritage sites in the U.S., 吸引了世界各地的吐温Academics和教育家来研究这位著名的文学偶像. Proud of its history and tradition, the College is committed to the ideals of community service, and intellectual and individual growth.

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