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VP of Finance and Administration

源自克莱德, 纽约, 凯尔·吉尔伯特拥有超过15年的财务和会计工作经验. A majority of that time has been spent working in higher education, 包括在希腊圣十字学院担任会计经理和财务总监, and comptroller at 埃尔迈拉大学.  

Gilbert earned his bachelor’s in business administration, 在阿尔弗雷德大学获得市场营销学位,并在罗切斯特大学西蒙商学院获得MBA学位.  

As VP of finance and administration, Gilbert leads the Accounting and Finance, Information Technology, and 设施 departments. He manages the annual budget process, 现金流计划, short and long range financial planning, and advises the Senior Team on financial matters, 设施, and information technology.



VP of Institutional Advancement and Alumni 参与ment

宝拉·李·霍布森, 科奎尔的本地人, 俄勒冈州, brings a wealth of fundraising success to 埃尔迈拉大学.

霍布森最近担任奥尼塔州哈特威克学院(Hartwick college)负责大学发展的副校长, 并帮助哈特威克发起了目前5500万美元的筹款活动. 她在普利茅斯的普利茅斯州立大学完成了另外两次筹款活动, New Hampshire and at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, 内华达. These fundraising campaigns raised $31.1 and $25 million, respectively, and set records for the institutions.

A first-generation college graduate, 霍布森在俄勒冈大学获得英语学士学位,在内华达大学获得新闻学硕士学位.


Dr. 帕特丽夏爱尔兰


Dr. 帕特丽夏爱尔兰 is originally from northern 新泽西. 她在传统和远程学习方面有经验,并在新泽西州的大学担任过院长和教务长等教学和行政职务, 纽约, 缅因州, 和宾夕法尼亚州, before coming to 埃尔迈拉大学 in 2021.

Ireland earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Boston College, a master’s degree from Andover Newton Theological School, and a master’s and PhD from Drew University.

As provost of the College, 爱尔兰是首席学术官,负责监督教师和学术项目. 她负责在定义学术使命方面提供领导和远见,她还负责维护一个有利于教师和学生学术追求的学院环境.


丹尼斯·米. 凯利

Vice President of Enrollment Management

丹尼斯凯利带来了30多年的高等教育工作经验. During 凯利’s extensive career, 他在包括切尼大学在内的多所院校增加了Admissions人数,改善了学生群体的多样性, Notre Dame University of Maryland, 威尔明顿大学, 卡布里尼大学, 格鲁吉亚法院, and Marywood University. 在威尔明顿, 凯利迎来了学院历史上最大的两届新生,并获得了Phi Theta Kappa国际荣誉协会的多个奖项, 3注册, 和霍布森. 在2019年,他被任命为霍布森的国家顾问委员会,他仍然活跃在Admissions管理部门. 凯利是唯一的Admissions官,他的团队同时获得了RNL国家招聘和留住奖.

凯利, a United States Army veteran who served in the Vietnam Era, 在蒂内克的费尔利·迪金森大学(Fairleigh Dickinson University)获得传播学文学学士学位和营销管理工商管理硕士学位, 新泽西. 他拥有梅斯兰德大西洋海角社区学院的文科副学士学位, 新泽西. Before getting into the Admissions side of higher education, 凯利是东奥兰治市乌普萨拉学院市场营销和商业专业的助理教授, 新泽西. 1993年,他成为百年大学Admissions办主任,之后担任Admissions副校长. 

As vice president of Admissions management for 埃尔迈拉大学, 凯利 oversees recruitment, Admissions, 金融援助, and institutional research efforts.


Dr. 伊丽莎白·兰伯特

Vice President of mg冰球突破豪华版下载 and Dean of Students

Dr. 伊丽莎白·兰伯特 was born in Newark, 新泽西 and relocated to the Twin Tiers of 纽约 in 1975, graduating from Horseheads High School in 1981. She has over 30 years of experience in higher education, 最近的职位是mg冰球突破豪华版下载负责Admissions管理和mg冰球突破豪华版下载的副校长. Prior to returning to 埃尔迈拉大学 in 2019, 兰伯特曾在库卡学院担任学生成功主管和首席留用官. Lambert之前还曾担任埃尔迈拉大学的继续教育和研究生院院长,并在康宁社区学院(Corning Community College)担任了21年的各种行政职务.

Lambert earned an associate's degree from Corning Community College, a bachelor's degree in liberal studies from SUNY Excelsior College, 并获得纽约州立大学布法罗州立学院学生人事管理硕士学位. Lambert also holds a doctorate in executive leadership from St. 约翰费希尔学院. 她的论文研究调查了传统年龄的男性大学生的经历和看法,这些经历和看法影响了大学一年级以后的坚持.

As vice president of mg冰球突破豪华版下载 and dean of students, Lambert oversees the areas of health and counseling, 校园安全, 居住生活, 学生的行为, 多样性, 股本, 和包容, 第九条合规, 以及校园参与.


Jennifer L. 求爱者,4月

Vice President of Communications & 市场营销

在她的职业生涯中, Jen Swain has worked extensively within the non-profit, 政府, and higher education industries with experience in communications, 资金管理, multi-agency project management, 活动策划, 和筹款. 她拥有美国公共关系协会和通用认证委员会颁发的公共关系认证(APR), and currently serves as treasurer for PRSA's Northeast District, which encompasses eight chapters across six states. A native of the NY/PA Twin Tiers region, Swain在马里兰大学帕克分校获得新闻学学士学位,主修公共关系,辅修环境科学,并在mg冰球突破豪华版下载获得管理学硕士学位.

As vice president of communications and marketing, Swain leads a team of professional staff responsible for content strategy, 媒体关系, 社交媒体, 数字广告, 网页内容, 品牌创意, crisis communications, and community relations. 该办公室与校长和其他校园领导合作,发展和促进关于反映学院使命的人员和项目的真实沟通,并将学院与其他小型学院区分开来, 私人机构.



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