
With announced closure, learn how EC can help.箭头

从1855年成立之初, 埃尔迈拉大学 was the first college for women with a course of study equal in rigor to the best men’s colleges. 

今天, 作为一个男女同校的机构, EC continues to provide students with clear pathways leading to careers in business, 教育, 法律, 医学, 研究, a host of other fields by emphasizing hands-on learning and the development of professional skills.

The creation of the 2023-2028 战略计划 is part of a three-pronged approach to move 埃尔迈拉大学 forward, blending traditional liberal arts with professional programming along with the College’s tradition of hands-on, 身临其境的学习. The 战略计划 lays the path forward for a five-year financial plan with three strategic initiatives: 增强力量和稳定性促进创新Ensure an Inclusive and Supportive Environment.







A male and female student talk and laugh near an entrance to Tompkins Hall as other students talk in the background

Ensure An Inclusive and Supportive 校园 Environment



While these continue to be challenging times for higher 教育, this 2023-2028 战略计划 lays the groundwork for the future. It strikes a balance between strength, 稳定, 创新, creating a supportive and inclusive campus environment. It continues to focus on the College’s long history of academic quality and the exceptional 教育al opportunities experienced by students attending 埃尔迈拉大学.

The journey to a stronger, bolder 埃尔迈拉大学 has begun. The five-year financial plan shows us our destination. We know where we need to go and the 战略计划 lays the path. The comprehensive campaign will be the light that keeps us on that path and is crucial to ensuring we reach our destination.

"埃尔迈拉大学 must be creative and adopt a more student-focused approach to 教育."

——查尔斯·W. Lindsay, 埃尔迈拉大学 President

About the 战略计划ning Process

This is the culmination of a yearlong effort to update the College’s strategic plan and revise the planning process in light of current challenges. 

A Long-Range Planning Committee developed an initial 2023-2028 战略计划 draft following a round of surveys, 学生参与的焦点小组, 教师, 工作人员, 和父母, 还有其他反馈. This draft was then shared with the campus community in May 2023 for review and feedback. 以下附加修订, a final draft of the 2023-2028 战略计划 was unanimously approved by the Board of Trustees in June 2023. 
