


mg冰球突破豪华版下载的学生麦肯齐·布朗26岁, 欧文·马斯卡罗,26岁, 迈克尔·康纳26岁, 还有26岁的维多利亚·贝亨, 又名生物塑料团体, believe they can create a better biodegradable and environmentally friendly straw than what is currently on the market. The group was a little surprised – but very pleased – when three judges agreed with their idea, 授予该队第三名 607飙升的南方创业大学竞赛,由 公司ubatorWorks.

“When we heard our name called it felt cool because we were a team of first-year 学生,布朗说. “That’s special because we get to know that the first time we went to do research with a new professor, 它去了某个地方. 我们真的可以对我们所做的工作充满信心.”

“获得第三名的感觉真好,”康纳说. “我们在研究和比赛上投入了大量精力. 很高兴看到我们的劳动成果.”

该活动于2023年5月举行,是根据热门节目设计的 鲨鱼坦克. 六支EC队和两支来自 纽约州立大学康宁社区学院 向三名评委或“投资者”提出他们的商业理念.” For each team, the judges viewed a recorded presentation outlining the team’s business plan. The teams then answered questions from the judges about their creative ideas and market research.

马斯卡罗说:“评委们提出了经过深思熟虑的问题. “我看得出他们有商业经验. 这很伤脑筋, 但也令人欣慰的是,他们知道如何将我们的产品推向下一个阶段.”

作为第三名,生物塑料集体团队赢得了1000美元. 另一个EC团队The 6 Hats赢得了观众选择奖和250美元. The second-place ($2,500) and first-place ($5,000) winners were teams from CCC.

The members of the Bioplastic Collective said they will invest at least some of their prize money into their research. While they are grateful for the money, what they appreciate more are the skills they learned.

团队成员都是理科生, 他们对商业和企业家精神了解不多. 他们很快上了一个商业基础速成班, 包括写一份商业计划,用ppt做一个视频宣传. 他们从他们的商业导师那里得到了许多见解, 罗伯特•克雷格, 的市场开发经理 康宁公司合并. 超出他的建议, he’s helping them network and invited them to tour 康宁公司合并 in the near future.

“这次比赛是一个很好的机会,”布朗说. “Often 学生 walk by the tables in the 校园 Center and don’t think much about them. 但我们从中得到了很多.” She hopes other 学生 will try things they wouldn’t typically think about.

“我学到了,如果你把自己放在那里, 有很多人愿意帮助你,马斯卡罗说. “It makes me much more likely to reach out if I have a business plan for the future.”

"公司ubatorWorks understands the importance of cultivating the entrepreneurial mindset within our young talent,阿什利·麦迪逊说, 孵化器工场的执行董事. “通过提供一个体验平台, 通过大学生创业大赛进行实践学习, 607年飙升, we provide our college 学生 with another tool for success in their endeavors post-graduation."

“All of the 学生 deserve a lot of recognition for the hard work and energy they invested in making this a positive learning experience for all,玛丽安娜·胡贝尔说, 孵化器工程的项目经理. “我被他们的奉献精神所鼓舞, 好奇心, 并渴望学习新的商业相关概念和想法, 以及他们所展示的创造性思维.”

Dr. 迈克尔·塞利格,mg冰球突破豪华版下载助理教授 化学担任生物塑料集体团队的指导老师. He was working with the 学生 on research into biodegradable materials when he learned about the competition and encouraged them to enter.

“I felt the competition was very informative and fun and was excited about their third-place finish,他说. “It was a great opportunity for the 学生 to think beyond the project right in front of them and translate their work towards a viable business opportunity.”

“I hope all of the 学生 will consider joining the competition again next year,” said Huber.

“It's been an honor to be able to work with all the great representatives from the two participating colleges, 学生, 策划委员会成员, 我们在公司ubatorWorks的团队, 以及三位杰出的专业评审团成员,”她说。. “This competition was a huge success in large part because of their passion for entrepreneurship, 创新, 和创造力.”

观看完整的比赛 在这里.

  • 时尚的基础

    • 队友:琳达·艾弗里25岁, 工商管理专业; Will Mu Htoo ’24, Psychology and Criminal Justice double major; and Mihret Haile ’26, 护理专业

    • Pitch: A building material that combines textiles/clothing from landfills with concrete for use in construction that will reduce the amount of clothing waste in landfills.

    • 博士导师:. 杰弗里·阿尔维斯, EC管理讲师, 詹妮弗·伯恩斯, 导演, 商业洞察中心, 罗切斯特中央图书馆 & 门罗县

  • 生物塑料组(第三名)

    • 队友:维多利亚·贝洪,26岁, Biochemistry major (unable to attend the competition due to travel); MacKenzie Brown ’26, Biochemistry major; Michael Conner ’26, 化学 major; and Owen Mascaro ’26, 环境科学专业

    • Pitch: A biodegradable plastic straw that breaks down hours after use that doesn’t affect the flavor of the beverage.

    • 博士导师:. Michael Selig, EC助理教授,化学博士. 罗伯特·克雷格,康宁公司市场评估经理

  • WoofPurradise

    • 队友:Rediet Fekade '25, Biochemistry major; Het Patel '25, 工商管理专业; and Syeda Neha Wajahat '25, 会计专业

    • 创意:开发一款应用,将所有宠物护理需求集中在一个地方, 包括兽医服务及宠物用品送货服务.

    • 博士导师:. Alexis Rittenberger, Assistant Professor, 导演 of Graduate and Professional Studies, and Dr. James Grochocinski (Jim Graw), Program 导演, EnvironmentalTechnologies, of 康宁公司合并

  • 六顶帽子(观众选择)

    • 队友:亚历山德罗·兰西亚26岁, Finance major; Daraab Khan '25, Psychology major; Marc Artuz '24, Psychology major; Pietro Gallina '25, 工商管理专业; Henry Wylie '23, 工商管理专业; and Horacio Vicioso '25, 工商管理专业

    • 情节:卫城, 提供高级游戏和食物的娱乐场所, 位于南部一所大学附近.

    • 博士导师:. 杰弗里·阿尔维斯, EC管理讲师和巴里·尼科尔森, 当地商人兼Barr Yann公司总裁, 公司.

  • 假期不间断

    • 队友:大卫·李26岁, Fashion Marketing; Jazmine Elliott '26, 工商管理专业; James Mehlek '24, 人力资源服务专业; Mackenzie Budine '26, 会计专业; and Mariyah Casados '26, 工商管理专业

    • Pitch: A holiday decoration service that ships decorations to individuals and businesses and then the customers ship them back.

    • 博士导师:. 杰弗里·阿尔维斯, EC管理讲师和巴里·尼科尔森, 当地商人兼Barr Yann公司总裁, 公司.

  • 救助儿童会(STCN)

    • 队友:迪安娜·海瑟薇24岁, Business Administration and Legal Studies double major; Calli Vocke '23, Speech and Hearing major; Cassidy Ryan '24, Business Administration and Art double major; and Samantha Garry '25, 人力资源服务专业.

    • Pitch: A GPS chip called Indigo that is embedded in a bracelet for children that will help parents track their child’s location.

    • Mentors: Mark Abdalla, EC Assistant Professor of Finance, and Lee Jiang, Co-Founder & Chief Business Officer or Lo Bio and Entrepreneur in Residence at REV Ithaca


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